Wedding Photoshoot in our Garden

Garden photoshoot

Garden photoshoot

We are very fortunate that we live in a gorgeous part of the Kent countryside with an acre of garden, surrounded by fields.  So when my friend’s son asked if he could have his wedding photoshoot  in our garden, I said “Yes!” straightaway as our garden is perfect as a backdrop to such important photos!  We have sunny spots, shady spots, a well, lots of trees, a pond, a meadow and an old Hornbeam tree with a swing!

Marc and Jo (aka the bride and groom) turned up in the afternoon with their photographer and videographer, having been married at a church in Folkestone.  The 3 photographers were very professional and had Jo and Marc in some fab locations around the garden.  I trailed along with them and tried not to get in the way whilst I took my own photographs of them being photographed!

The first photographs were taken at the front of the house where Marc relaxed with a beer whilst Jo arranged herself on the doorstep!  My floral wellies were on standby as a quirky prop for Jo to wear for a couple of shots.

Garden wedding shoot 2


Jo in wellies

We have a rusted metal archway from the main garden area into the meadow and pond area and we decorated this with fabric flowers so that it would look pretty when they walked through being videoed.

Wedding archway


A number of photos were taken under the large apple tree in the front garden and round in the shady area which was full of Red Campion.  However the best photos were taken under our large old Hornbeam tree, which is often visited by Tawny owls at night.


Photo under hornbeam

photoshoot-7 photoshoot-8


We have a pretty area in a corner of the house under some wisteria (you can just see a few mauve flowers in the photo!) – it was a lovely sunny spot and some fun photos were taken there.

Wisteria photo

We had a great time playing host to Marc and Jo’s wedding shoot and the photographers took some fantastic photos.  One of my favourites is this one, taken in one of the fields near our house.

Photo in field

The last two photos were taken by Marc and Jo’s photographer Laferme Creative.



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