Business Events and Promotions

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Business Events and Promotions
Help preserve native British plants and shrinking habitats
Inspire an interest in nature.
Improve your corporate image and ethical ideology.
Help support declining bee and butterfly species.

It’s no surprise that a business’s environmental credentials are becoming increasingly important.

Not just in their appeal to the growing number of environmentally-conscious customers, but in the active role they can play to reduce wasteful consumerism.

While conferences, events, giveaways and promotional merchandise are an important part of a business’s marketing strategy, they can – at times – contribute to a throwaway culture and the growing problem of products that can’t be recycled.  Our seed products are a perfect eco-friendly alternative solution to plastic pens and keyrings!

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We are a small business dedicated to doing what we can to help provide a beautiful and ethical solution to some of these issues. We want to do everything we can to help our beautiful planet and help others encourage the same aim with the promotional products bought from us.

Below are our own-design seed packets we can add your branding to – or you can design your own.