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British Hedgehog Preservation Society Charity Wedding Favour

£1.30 Inc VAT


British Hedgehog Preservation Society

We love hedgehogs and are delighted to be able to support this wonderful charity with charity seed packets where a donation will be made from each packet purchased!

Founded in 1982 the British Hedgehog Preservation Society offers help and advice to those with sick, injured or orphaned hedgehogs and maintains a list of rehabilitators in the UK.

Hedgehogs are widespread and, in some areas, still common, but their numbers locally can vary a lot and numbers have decline a lot over the last few decades.They can be entirely absent in arable areas, but numerous in suburban habitats. Areas in and around towns and villages can be excellent habitats for hedgehogs, and hedgehogs often prefer them over farmland.

Hedgehogs are nocturnal and solitary creatures, so counting numbers in the field is difficult.  However, there is no doubting that hedgehog numbers are seriously declining – due to the usual suspects: habitat loss and agricultural intensive farming – and roadkill.  Also, British gardens are becoming poorer homes for wildlife with increased paving, decking and reduced plant life. And with more roads and housing developments being built, there is a huge loss of connectivity between green spaces, leaving hedgehogs isolated.

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society has these aims –

(1) To make the public aware of hedgehogs and to give advice on their care, particularly when injured, sick, orphaned, treated cruelly or in any other danger.
(2) To encourage the younger generation to value and respect our natural wildlife and, by supplying information and giving lectures, to foster their interest in hedgehogs.
(3) To fund research into the behavioural habits of hedgehogs and to ascertain the best methods of assisting their survival.

10p from every BHPS seed packet wedding favour sold will go to the Society to help support their wonderful work.  Each seed packet is made from recycled white paper and measures 9 x 12 cm.  Sowing instructions and information on the Society is on the back of the packet and the seeds are in a glassine paper sachet, not a foil and plastic one.

What is glassine paper? Glassine paper is an eco-friendly and plastic-free alternative to mass-produced heat-sealed plastic and foil/paper sachets.  Unlike those sachets glassine paper can be recycled and is biodegradable.  It is also resistant to moisture and will keep the seeds dry in the main packet.

Please advise your wedding details in the personalisation box above.  If you are not going to use your seed packets for a few months or so, store them somewhere cool and dry out of direct sunlight.  The seeds are viable for a few years.

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society website has tons of information about hedgehogs, please do support them and help save the UK’s hedgehogs.

By giving your guests these seed packets you are helping the environment and our declining bee and butterfly populations – grow the love and Nature will love you back!

Charity number 1164542.

hedgehog tunnel


About the Seeds

There are 7 species of wildflower in this mix – Selfheal, Teasel, Lesser Knapweed, Ladies Bedstraw, Ox-eye Daisy, Wild Carrot and Musk Mallow.  The seeds are grown in the UK and are UK species only – all of them are amazing for insects!  The grower we buy from is registered with DEFRA and inspected annually, and all seeds are fully traceable.  You will get about a gram or so of seeds, enough to create a 1 metre square wildflower patch.

Plant Information

The Seed Mix

Find out more about the flowers in this mix here: Meadow Mix

Flowering Period

Late spring to late summer

Flowering Period

Late spring to late summer


Up to 90 cm or so.


Perennial - they will flower every year, but not necessarily the first year




Lilac, yellow, pink, white and purple

We say to allow 14 days plus delivery time for your order.  It really depends on the time of year and how busy we are.  Orders are also opened in strict order of receipt so please do not put a message on your order form about delivery as it won't be seen until we get to your order - and by then it might be too late!  If you need your order quite soon or urgently, please call or email us and we will do our best to accommodate your deadline. 

Full delivery information can be read here.

Rainbow on maroon background with bees and flowers

Customer joy and happiness is what we strive for! Our happiness guarantee means that if, for some reason, you are not happy with your order, we will make it our goal to ensure happiness is achieved.

UK Native Wildflower Species
Bumblebee Conservation Trust
RHS Plants for Pollinators
Printed on recycled paper