The future of the planet is in the hands of our children. It is so important they learn to respect the environment and look after nature. Our party bag wildflower seeds is a great start! Kids party bags are often full of plastic (which is usually thrown away by the next day!) and sweets. A packet of seeds is so much better and a great introduction to honing an interest in growing seeds for nature. The hope is children will find it fascinating how such a tiny seed can grow into a flower or food they can eat.
The seed packet is recycled and measures 9 x 12 cm. Sowing instructions and seed content is printed on the back. The seeds are inside the packet in a glassine paper sachet, not a foil and plastic one.
What is glassine paper? Glassine paper is an eco-friendly and plastic-free alternative to mass-produced heat-sealed plastic and foil/paper sachets. Unlike those sachets glassine paper can be recycled and is biodegradable. It is also resistant to moisture and will keep the seeds dry in the main packet.
About the Wildflower Seeds
Our seeds are solely UK wildflower species, the seeds also having been grown in the UK. The grower has traceability and is inspected yearly by DEFRA, so you can be sure you are getting quality seeds. Wildflowers and insects have evolved together, being of mutual benefit to each other, which is why it is so important to grow native UK wildflower species to help native insects and pollinators. Some insects are totally dependent on only one species of wildflower, so when either is in decline, they both suffer – for example, the rare Duke of Burgundy butterfly is dependent on a good supply of its food plants Cowslip and Primrose; the Swallowtail butterfly only breeds amongst a good supply of Milk Parsley.
This seed mix contains Teasel, Lesser Knapweed, Selfheal, Wild Carrot, Ladies Bedstraw, Ox-eye Daisy and Musk Mallow.