Make your own leaf wedding confetti

Leaf wedding confetti

Here at Wildflower Favours we are all about the environment, recycling and nature.  So why not do a bit of nature recycling and make your own leaf wedding confetti from the vast array of leaves that are everywhere!  It will save you money, just costing a bit of time – but it will be fun!

First of all – find your leaves and gather them!

Leaves for leaf wedding confetti

Autumn leaves

Leaves for making confetti

We also gathered some fluffy seeds from the Wild Clematis in the garden as a little extra something!  Wild Clematis is also known as Old Man’s Beard, which is easy to see why – as the seed heads get more advanced they also get fluffier!

Leaves for making wedding confetti

Leaves for making leaf wedding confetti

Leaves for making leaf wedding confetti

Leaves for leaf wedding confetti

The choose your cutting implements!  We have used some small hand punches:

Paper punches

Then it is simply a case of cutting out the shapes!

Leaf wedding confetti

Leaf wedding confetti

Leaf wedding confetti


Great eco-friendly, biodegradable and FREE wedding confetti in fantastic natural colours!

7 thoughts on “Make your own leaf wedding confetti

    1. Hi Jane, I would have thought so but I am not sure. They are widely available online in loads of craft shops and on Ebay so if you can’t find a supplier in Australia there is bound to be someone who ships there. Sorry not to be more helpful! Teresa

      1. Oh thanks, Teresa. Not being a ‘crafty’ person, I didn’t think of that, even though it’s pretty obvious. You have actually been very helpful. Jane

  1. Hello
    For how long will the leaves retain their colour?
    Can you offer any advice on how to keep the colours bright for the longest time?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Linda

      I have to confess I haven’t kept them to test that. I would imagine that as long as you keep them out of light they should keep their colour. Hope that works!

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