Fox and Cubs wildflower. June wedding

What’s Flowering in June?


Want to have wild flowers for a June wedding but not sure what wildflowers flower in June?  Or perhaps you want to select wildflower seeds for your favours that will flower in June.  Here you will find a list of the main wildflowers that will be in flower in June.  This list incorporates wildflowers that like a sunny spot, or semi-sunny and are suitable for most soil conditions.  Having had a wildflower nursery in the past, we know what we are talking about and love spreading as much info as we can about wildflowers!  All of these wildflowers are great for all sorts of beneficial insects.

Even if you are not having wildflowers in your bouquet or at your venue, you might find this list useful if you are considering a wildflower patch in your garden and want to know what will be in flower each month.  This June flowering information is part of a series that covers every month of the year.

flowers for a June Wedding

A detailed list of flowers for a June wedding – not exhaustive by any means but a good selection!

Aaron’s Rod – Biennial.  Yellow flowers.

Agrimony – Perennial.  Yellow starry flowers.

Bird’s Foot Trefoil – Perennial.  Yellow flowers.

Bugle – Perennial.  Purple flowers.  Good groundcover.

Bugle wildflower, June wedding
Bugle wildflower

Buttercup – Perennial.  Yellow flowers.  Creeper.  Not a weed!  Important nectar source!

Chicory – Perennial.  Beautiful sky-blue flowers.

Chicory wildflower, June wedding
Chicory wildflower

Clustered Bellflower – Perennial.  Purple bell flowers.

Columbine– Perennial.  Extravagant purple flowers.

Comfrey – Best grown from root cuttings or buy in already grown in pots.  Creamy-white purple flowers.

Common Vetch – Annual.  Pinky-purple Sweet Pea-like flowers.  Scrambler.

Corn Chamomile – Annual.  Yellow Daisy-like flowers.

Cornflower – Annual.  Blue flowers.

Cowslip – Perennial.  Yellow nodding flowers.

Cowslip wildflower, June wedding
Cowslip wildflower

Daisy – Perennial.  White and yellow flowers.

Dandelion – Perennial.  Yellow flowers.  Don’t just view it as a weed as it is a vital early nectar source for bees!  We think it is also pretty!

Dropwort – Perennial.  Cream and pink frothy flowers.

Evening Primrose – Biennial.  Yellow flowers.

Evening Primrose wildflower, June wedding
Evening Primrose wildflower

Fox and Cubs – Perennial.  Gorgeous orange Dandelion-like flowers.

Fox and Cubs wildflower. June wedding
Fox and Cubs wildflower

Germander Speedwell – Perennial.  Blue flowers.  Creeping.

Great Burnet – Perennial.  Oval burgundy flowers.

Harebell – Perennial.  Little blue bell-shaped flowers.

Hedge Garlic – Biennial. White flowers.

Hedge Woundwort – Perennial.  Magenta-red whorls of flowers.

Herb Robert – Biennial.  Pink flowers.  Good groundcover.

Honeysuckle – Perennial.  Creamy trumpet flowers.  Needs stratification.  Climber.

Hound’s Tongue – Biennial.  Browny-burgundy flowers.

Ivy-Leaved Toadflax – Perennial.  Small purple and yellow flowers.  Creeper.

Jacob’s Ladder – Perennial.  Purple flowers.  Rare in the wild.

Kidney Vetch – Perennial.  Yellow flowers.

Lady’s Mantle – Perennial.  Yellow flowers.

Lavender – Perennial.  Purple flowers.  It’s not a wildflower but it is great for weddings!  The seeds are also popular in seed packet wedding favours.

Lesser/Greater Stitchwort – Perennial.  White flowers.

Lily of the Valley – Perennial.  White flowers.

Meadow Clary – Perennial.  Purple flowers.  Rare in the wild.

Meadow Clary wildflower. June wedding
Meadow Clary wildflower

Meadow Cranesbill – Perennial.  Purple-blue flowers.

Nettle-leaved Bellflower – perennial.  Large purple bell-shaped flowers.

Ox-eye Daisy – Perennial.  Large Daisy flowers.

Poppy – Annual.  Red flowers.

Ramsons/Wild Garlic – Perennial.  White star-shaped flowers.

Red Campion – Perennial.  Reddy-pink flowers.

Red Clover – Perennial.  Red globular flowers.

Red Valerian – Perennial.  Red-pink flowers, occasionally white.

Selfheal – Perennial.  Purple flowers.

Sweet Pea – Annual.  Many shades and varieties.  Not a wildflower but popular as seed packet wedding favours.  Climber or dwarf plant.

Tansy – Perennial.  Yellow flowers.

Viper’s Bugloss – Biennial.  Blue flowers.

White Campion– Perennial.  White flowers.

White Campion wildflower, June wedding

White Clover – Perennial.  White globular flowers.

White Deadnettle – Perennial.  White flowers.

Wild Carrot – Perennial.  Large white globular flowers.

Wild Carrot wildflower, June wedding
Wild Carrot wildflower

Wild Foxglove– Biennial.  Tall spires of deep pink flowers.  Toxic.

Wild Foxglove wildflower, June wedding
Wild Foxglove wildflower

Wild Pansy – Perennial.  Purple and yellow flowers.

Woad – Perennial.  Yellow flowers.

Yarrow – Perennial.  White or pale pink flowers.

Yellow Archangel– Perennial.  Yellow flowers.  Creeping and good groundcover.

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