Meadow Buttercup (ranunculus acris)

Meadow Butterrcup is a very common and widespread perennial wildflower, very noticeable with its bright yellow flowers. It is found in meadows, pastures, grassland, gardens and parks. On slightly damp, calcerous soil it grows in abundance, creating sheets of yellow.

Flowering time – April to October

Height – up to around 60 cm

Buttercups have a pool of nectar on the bottom part of the flowers – a characteristic that no other yellow flower has. The light reflective petals also attract insects and other pollinators. They are also heliotropic, which means they follow the sun.

RHS Plants for Pollinators

There are almost 2000 species of buttercup worldwide. The Latin name “ranunculus” means “little frog” deriving from the fact that Buttercups often grow near water, like small frogs!

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